Other Job Seeker Detail Tools


  • Manage Job Seeker Offers
    • Send an Offer Letter
    • Track and Follow-up on a Sent Offer
  • Work with the Job Seeker's History and Notes
    • Track Job Seeker History
    • Record Job Seeker Notes
      • Add a New Note
      • Show Notes for All Requisitions
      • Mark as a Task / Mark as Completed on the Notes Tab
    • Export History or Notes to Excel

Manage Job Seeker Offers

When a Job Seeker reaches the Offer stage, balanceTRAK supports the secure transmission of an Offer letter and in return, your electronic receipt of the Job Seeker's response. These activities are managed on the Offers tab, located in the Job Seeker detail, when the applicant reaches the Job Seeker Stage indicating ""Offer."

Cross-reference: Under Settings, the system houses a set of approved Offer Templates, managed by the client-side Administrator for use in these communications.

The Job Seeker will receive an email message with a link for logging into the applicant interface, navigating to Profile, and reviewing the Offer.

Send an Offer Letter

Reminder: To maintain process integrity, only Job Seekers assigned to the Job Seeker Stage of "Offer" will have the Offers tab visible.

The Offers tab is comprised of a left-hand workspace, and a right-hand preview window.

  1. In the left-hand Offer Templates column, choose a template from the upper drop-down.
  2. The left column will populate with tags. Review the tags, and make entries for any that the system has not pulled in for you from the balanceAAP database.
  3. While you can also edit the system-generated tags, it is not recommended.

  4. When the tag content is satisfactory, select [Save] from the lower toolbar to generate a letter preview.
  5. Review the letter preview for accuracy.
  6. Information that has been merged in via tags will be highlighted in yellow.

When the content is satisfactory, click the Send Offer button.

Reminder: The accompanying email message will also be stored in the Job Seeker's record, on the Communication tab.

Track and Follow-up on a Sent Offer

Quick Tip: To manage all Job Seekers with Offers, filter the Job Seeker list by this Job Seeker Stage. Then, as you navigate between Job Seekers, working on the Offers tab, this tab will remain the landing page.

The lower toolbar will indicate the current status of an offer in a tagline, located to the right.

If the Job Seeker has declined the offer, a [Send New Offer] button displays as a toolbar option, in the event you want to update the offer and resend it.

For progress information — particularly after the Offer letter is sent — click the [View History] button, on the left, for access status information (and actions you can take):

  • View the actions taken in relation to the offer (e.g., generated, accepted, declined) and note the initiating user
  • AND

  • (Where applicable) Quickly click one of several Offer Actions to: Rescind Offer, Send Offer OR View Offer.

Work with the Job Seeker's History and Notes

In the Job Seeker detail, tabs for reviewing the History of the Job Seeker record and adding Notes are available.


BalanceTRAK automatically logs a History for each Job Seeker, recording activities such as the completion of a Form. In addition, the History records activities performed by software users while screening the applicant, such as email communications, data entry/deletion, and assignment of Job Seeker Stage or Disposition.

Record Job Seeker Notes

Add a comment to the Job Seeker detail, or remind yourself of a Task, via the Notes tab.

Notes are automatically labeled with the Date of entry and the author's Email (Address). Because Notes may serve as a reminder for necessary follow-up activity, the Note can be designated as a Task and a Due Date recorded.

Add a New Note

After selecting the Notes tab in the Job Seeker detail:

  1. Click the Add New Note icon, located at the top of the window.
  2. Enter text for the Note in the provided field.
  3. If desired, toggle the Task button to the active position. Then, insert a Due Date, using a two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year (or select one from the provided Calendar menu).
  4. Finally, click [Save]. Tasks will also display on the Home page Dashboard's To-Do widget.

If the draft Note should not be saved, click the [Discard] button.

After the Note is added, icons are available to Edit or Delete a record.

Mark as a Task / Mark as Completed on the Notes Tab

In Edit mode, the third icon to the left of the Note toggles the entry between Note and Task with a click of the mouse. Then, for a Task, the Due Date can be entered in two-digit month/two-digit year/four-digit year, and the entry saved. A Task is indicated with a checklist icon.

Also in Edit mode, the Task can be marked as complete, by clicking the provided Check mark icon.

Export History or Notes to Excel

Data can be directly exported from both History, and Notes. Simply click the Export to Excel icon, located in the upper toolbar. The corresponding data will appear in a new window, suitable for printing or saving.