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BalanceAAP > System Tools > User Management

Create Users and Grant Access

balanceAAP and balanceTRAK are the first online applications created for the balanceWORKS suite.

When you create a user, you are creating a user ID for the balanceWORKS suite. This user can then be given access to balanceAAP and/or balanceTRAK. The balanceWORKS administrator has the permission for your company to manage all users in the BALANCEworks system.

To add a user, click Add. Enter the Email Address for the user. The email address will serve as the user’s login ID, and only one user per email address can be added to balanceWORKS. Enter the user’s First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number.

Check off balanceWORKS Admin if the user is to be granted administrator rights to your balanceWORKS implementation. An administrator can add, edit, and delete users from balanceWORKS, edit security settings, change passwords, and grant users permission to view all plans and analyses in the system.

Check off balanceAAP if the user is to be granted access to balanceAAP. The user will be added to the list of balanceAAP users, and can create their own affirmative action plans. balanceAAP users will not have access to all plans for your company, unless access is granted by the balanceWORKS administrator.

Check off balanceTRAK if the user is to be granted access to balanceTRAK. The user will be added to the list of balanceTRAK users and can manage requisitions and job seekers. balanceTRAK users will need to be assigned the correct access to requisitions and job seekers by the balanceWORKS administrator.

Click Save, and the user will be added.

Import a User

You can add multiple balanceWORKS users to the system at once using the Import option. You must first create a Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, or text file containing the following information for the users you would like to add - Email Address, First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number, as well as access level for each software application you purchased. Within your file, for the access level you need to indicate access with either True or False, or Yes or No under the column headers balanceWORKS Admin, and either balanceAAP or balanceTRAK or both (depending on the product(s) you purchased). Once your file is created, you can import these users through the Manage Users page.

At the bottom of the Manage Users page, click the Import button. The Import Users page will appear and you can then select the type of file you are importing from. Click on the Add another file link and browse for your file and select it. Then click Next. Under the Match Table section, it will show the file that you selected and if your file is an Excel workbook, you will need to select the sheet that contains the user information. Click on the drop-down menu for Sheet and select the appropriate sheet name. Under the Match Field section, the system will match the fields in your file that match the fields found in balanceWORKS. For those fields that have an asterisk * next to it, you must have that information contained in your file since these are the required fields. To match fields that have not been automatically matched, click on the drop-down menu and select the appropriate column or field name. Once all required fields are matched click Next. On the next page, click on the Import Data button to complete the import.

Edit a User

The selections made when creating the user can be changed by clicking the email address of the user. The Edit User page will appear. Update the fields as appropriate, and click Save. The email address cannot be changed. The only way to update the email address for a user is to delete the existing user, and add a new user with the new email address.

From the Edit User page, you can also force the user to change his or her password the next time they log on by checking the Change Password on Next Logon box. The user will be allowed to log in with their current password, but will be taken to the Change Password screen to create a new password.

From the Edit User page, you can also deactivate users. Uncheck the Active box to revoke the user’s access to balanceWORKS. This function allows you to prevent access by a user without deleting the user ID, making it easier to grant the user access again when necessary. You can choose to view inactive users from the user list by checking off the Display Inactive Users option.

balanceAAP Users and Plan Access

Click the balanceAAPtab to go to the balanceAAP user management page. Follow the instructions for this page to manage the permissions of the balanceAAP users.

Manage Password Settings

From the System Tools menu, click the Password Settings tab. Set the rules for your password management and complexity requirements here. Options include:

  • Must change password on first login – You will give the user the default password for their first log in. Check off this option to force the user to create a new password.
  • Must use at least one lowercase letter – Check off this option to require passwords to contain at least one lowercase letter.

  • Must use at least one uppercase letter – Check off this option to require passwords to contain at least one uppercase letter.
  • Must use at least one number - Check off this option to require passwords to contain at least one number.
  • Must use at least one special character - Check off this option to require passwords to contain at least one special character, such as # $ or @.
  • Minimum Length – Enter the minimum password length.
  • Password Expiration – Enter the number of days until the password expires. When a password reaches the age specified, the user will be forced to change the password the next time they log in.
  • Number of Stored Passwords– Select a number of passwords to be remembered by the system. Users will not be able to update their password to any of those stored. For example, if this setting is set at 3, a user could not change the password to any of three he or she most recently used.
  • Lock Out Count – Set the number of unsuccessful login attempts that will lock out a user. If a user fails to login successfully a number of times equal to this setting, a balanceWORKS administrator must unlock the user. This is a security measure to help prevent unauthorized access to the system.
  • Default Password – Select the password assigned to new users when they are added to the system. After you have made your selections, click Save to save the settings.