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Match Applicants and New Hires

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  • UseAccess the Apps to Hires Button
    • Export a Workbook to Review Data
    • Perform Batch Processing to Reconcile Data

Reconcile Hired Applicants and New Hires

Both the Applicant and New Hire Data tables will contain information on who was hired at your organization. Therefore, the two tables should be reviewed for accuracy and the data reconciled, if inconsistencies are found.

Quick Tip: As an indicator of potential inconsistencies, compare the number of applicants hired to the number of new hires.


Access the Applicants to Hires Button

ClickNavigate to Data > Data Tables, and select Applicant from the upper drop-down. Then, click the [Apps to Hires] button in the Applicant table header for tools that support your reconciling efforts:.

  • Export a Workbook to Review Data

    Select whether to include Excel formatting (to shade data rows); then click the button: [Export Apps to Hires Workbook]. The system will generate an Excel file, showing issues by category for your review (e.g., Partial Matches, Hired Applicants without New Hire).

Perform Batch Processing to Reconcile Data

The following are Batch Processing toolbar operations to update incomplete and/or mismatched data:
  • Swap Hires — After carefully reviewing the Applicant Disposition code, click the [Swap Hires] button in the Batch Processing toolbar to have balanceAAP reconcile the tables. The system will overwrite all applicants with a Disposition code of "hired" and insert information from the New Hire table. Disability and Veteran status will also be transferred.
  • Clean up Requisitions — To remove applicants when no one was hired for a Requisition, as indicated on the Applicant or New Hire table, click the [Clean up Requisitions] button from the Batch Processing toolbar.
  • Update Applicant Info — Click the third button from the left to globally update blank and/or mismatched entries in the Applicant table with corresponding New Hire entries. From the provided menu, select a field (e.g., Job Code, Req[uisition] #); then choose whether to update Blank, Mismatched, or both types of values. Choose [Update] to apply. You can also [Preview] the updates in table format before applying them.
  • Import Corrected Apps to Hires — Once a workbook has been exported (as described above) and corrected, it can be re-imported into the system, by clicking this button. First, select a Hired Disposition code from the provided drop-down. Next, [Choose File] from your computer, and click the [Upload] button.