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Master Plan Factor Weights


  • Cascade to Sub plans
  • Assign Factor Weights by EEO Job Group

RETURN TO: Factor Weight Settings

Note: Please review Factor Weight Settings before reading the information below.

Set Global or Sub plan Factor Weight Options

Cascade by Sub plan

Factor Weight settings can be carried down to the sub-plans by selecting : Yes. Apply changes to my sub plans.

Assign Factor Weights by EEO Job Group

If EEO was selected under Plan Codes > Job Group structure, the Factor Weights screen will display the EEO Job Group Weights tab. Here, you can assign Factor Weights to EEO Job Groups so they are consistent across sub-plans.

For each Job Group, the displayed weights for Factor 1 and Factor 2 may be edited. The last column will display the Quick Weights (the ratio of promotions to hires currently represented in the Master Plan for the displayed EEO category). This percentage can be used to help determine the weight that should be used for Factor 2.

Click [Save] to submit the changes. All weights in the sub plans will be overwritten with the changes made.

Import Factor Weights from a Master Plan

When importingselecting weightsto [Import] weight from another plan,Master upon clicking Import, you will be givenPlan, two options if the plan you are importing from is a master plan.available.

  • Apply Corresponding Sub Plan Settings – If yourPlan plan codesCodes match, the source sub-plan settings will be imported into each subcurrent plansub-plan.

Note: toIf corresponda tocorresponding source sub-plan does not exist, the settings in the source sub plans. If there are any plan codes in the current master plan that are not present in the source master plan, settings for those sub plans will be setcascaded to matchfrom the masterMaster plan. Plan.

  • Apply Master Plan Settings – YourThe subsource Master Plan settings will be applied to the current sub-plans.

Note: If the source plan is not a Master Plan, the sub-plan settings will be set to match the settingsMaster in the master plan. If the plan you are importing from is not a master plan, the sub plans settings will be set to match the master plan. Plan.

Best Utilization Rule

Best Utilization Rule analysis can be run for:

  • Current Master Plan
  • Across all sub plans collectively
  • Each sub plan