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Assign Job Seeker Stage and Disposition

RETURN TO: Navigate the Requisition Detail


  • How are Job Seekers Tracked in the System?
    • How Job Seeker Stage and Disposition Work Together
  • Update Job Seeker Stage and Disposition
    • Change Stage/Disposition for an Individual Job Seeker

RELATED TOPICS for Administrators:

Track the Progress of Job Seekers

With easy-click menus in the Job Seekers module, BalanceTRAK puts precise coding at your fingertips to "move" applicants along during the screening process — either individually or as a batch operation. Decision-making can be applied and tracked in a consistent manner, whether your organization has multiple job openings or multiple applicant management participants, or both.

How are Job Seekers Tracked in the System?

In balanceTRAK, Job Seeker movement is recorded by means of two basic codes:

  • Job Seeker Stage — The code for Job Seeker Stage chronicles Job Seekers as they move through your organization's consideration process, based on screening activities that are in place for the job opening, such as completing Forms, undergoing interviews, and checking references.

Example: For a particular company, "Application Received" denotes Job Seekers who have (1) met minimum Prescreening qualifications, and (2) completed the APPLICATION Form.


  • Disposition Code — Because every Job Seeker will reach a final outcome, the Disposition code documents the decision point at which the Job Seeker is longer under consideration. Although most of these codes indicate why Job Seekers were removed from the process, a Disposition code will also identify the chosen hire(s).

Examples: A candidate who no longer wishes to be considered can be assigned the code: "Job Seeker Withdrew." For a Stage-specific example, a Job Seeker could be deemed as "Rejected: Career Goals not in Line with Position," based on answers to questions posed during the "Interview."

Depending on the software Implementation, certain Stages and/or Disposition Codes may be automatically assigned by the system.

Example: Job Seekers who fail to meet minimum qualifications during Prescreening can be automatically assigned the Disposition Code of "Rejected: Does not Meet Minimum Qualifications."

How Job Seeker Stage and Disposition Work Together

While the governing Requisition is Open — and until it is Closed — Job Seeker Stage serves as the chronological indicator. Then, during each Stage, Disposition is assigned to a Job Seeker to record his or her situation or screening result.

At each Stage, Job Seekers can take one of two paths:

  1. Move forward to the next Job Seeker Stage
  2. Move out of consideration through Disposition Code

In some Implementations, the system will reinforce the following workflow aspects:

  • Limit progression to forward movement through Stages
  • Allow a Job Seeker to skip a Stage

As you can see, the two codes work together as the applicant pool is narrowed, until the position is (or multiple openings under the Job Title are) filled. At this point, the Disposition code of "Hired" for the successful Job Seeker(s) indicates the Requisition can be closed.

Update Job Seeker Stage and Disposition

There are two methods for updating Job Seeker Stage and/or Disposition:

To update these attributes, navigate to the Job Seekers module.

Important Caution Please take care to understand your organization's processes, as automatic email notification may be triggered by the assignment of Stage/Disposition. For example, Job Seekers who are assigned the Disposition of "Not Best Qualified" may receive rejection messages.

Assign Stage/Disposition for an Individual Job Seeker

From the Job Seeker list, highlight an individual Job Seeker to display his or her detail record. In the secondary header, update one or both of the following codes, reviewing and addressing Stage first:

  • In the left box, click on the current Job Seeker Stage to display other available options. Select a different Stage, which will then display in the header.
  • Note: You may be limited to choosing the next logical Stage in your organization's tracking process.

  • In the adjacent box to the right, click on "Assign" (or the displayed label, indicating the Job Seeker has not been dispositioned). Then, choose a code from the provided drop-down.
  • Note: While the displayed Disposition Code can be changed, Job Seekers will remain unassigned until a final outcome has occurred.