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Requisition Templates


  • Requisition Template Components
  • Work with the Requisition Template List

Administrator Tools for Developing Requisition Templates

The balanceTRAK Administrator accessing Settings from the side navigation menu can manage a library of prepopulated Requisition Templates forto selection bysupport other users.users in quickly and consistently building Requisitions. Templates are ideal for groups of positions, for example, having similar requirements for Forms, Approvals, and Sources.

When a template is applied to a new Requisition, the creator will customize or bring in the Job Description. If the software Implementation allows a Requisition creator/owner to do so, an individual Requisition can thenalso beedit customizedother forcomponents certain(e.g., components,Keywords), as necessary.

Requisition Template Components

The Requisition Template detail layout mirrors the components that comprise a template:

  • Template (Requisition) Information
  • Fields
  • Forms
  • Keywords
  • Sources
  • Approvals
  • Workflow

As you can see from the above list, the Job Description will not be included in a Requisition Template, but rather will be part of building each new Requisition.

Work with the Requisition Template List