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Availability > Census Coding


View Existing Census Code Assignments

Choose Census Coding from the External Availability tab header. The job code and census code matches will be displayed by Job Group. Select a group from the Job Group drop-down.

Using the radio buttons in the upper right, choose to viewView the(page) page byby: Census Code or by Job Title. If you have chosen Census Code, additional options to Show Data become available, either By Individuals or By Weighted Statistics.

Note: See Factor Weights to review the instructions for creating weighted statistics.

Click the [Demographic button] next to the code will display the demographic availability of minorities and women for that code.

Edit a Census Code Assignment

In either view, click the [Edit] button at the left of the Job Title to change the census code assignment. The Select Census Code menu will display three options:

  • Select from List – Select from a list of potential census codes for the Job Title. To see all census codes, click [Show All], a button at the bottom of the list.
  • Search by Job Title/Census Title – Type a keyword into the provided field, and click Search. Select by Census Group - Narrow the census code list by job category. Select a job category from the Census Code Group drop-down.

For each method, click the appropriate Census Code to assign it to the job.

Quick Tip: If you know the census codes well or only have a few to edit, choose View by Job Title. Click directly on the Census Code /Description entry to open a drop-down, containing all census codes. Type the first few numbers of the code to navigate down the list, and select the appropriate code. Click Save.