Admin > Manage Security
The Berkshire Client Portal has been enhanced to now include Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On. WithAdministrators thecan appropriate system profile,activate these features can be activated inon the Manage Security page. The newManage Security page can be accessedfound throughunder the Admin section of the drop-down menu which is located in the top right of allevery BCP page.
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) isTo activate this feature, select the Require MFA for all users checkbox and then click the [Save] action on the right. All users, at their next log in, will then be instructed to scan to the displayed QR code using Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy or other similar applications.
Once the code is scanned, the application will create a random six digit code that will be used every time you login to the Berkshire Client Portal. This code will refresh every 30 seconds to ensure it is unique every time they login.
In the event a user loses, or misplaces their code, the Administrator must go to the Manage Users screen
Single Sign-On
The Berkshire Client Portal supports Single Sign-On via any Identity Provider that supports SAML 2.0. Single Sign-On (SSO) enables users to log in toDownload BCP Metadata File and Encryption Certificate
The first step in adding Single Sign-On for your BCP account would be to set up the connection within your SSOThe andBerkshire neededClient certificate.Portal Dependingalso optionally supports encrypting assertions from your Identity Provider. The certificate required for encrypting assertions is included in the metadata file, but depending on your SSO provider, the encryption certificate may need to be uploaded separately. To accommodate,accommodate weproviders arethat require this as a separate step, you can also providing the ability to download the BCP Encryption Certificate.Certificate separately from the top of the SSO Configuration section of the Manage Security page.
Upload Company Metadata File and Encryption Certificate
After setting up the connection with your SSO identity provider, your next steps will be to enable SSO for your BCP account and upload your company's Metadata information into BCP. The Uploading your company's Metadata information, will populate the following SSO settings listed below and the EncryptionSigning Certificate, if it was included in the file.
- Entity Name/ID
- SSO Login URL
- SSO Logout URL (Optional)
If your company's Metadata information did not contain the Encryption Certificate, it can be uploaded separately through [UPLOAD CERTIFICATE] . Please .
note, a signing certificate is only required if you choose to sign the request from your identity provider.
If any information cannot be read from the metadata file, a message will appear indicating which fields could not be read. If a metadata file is not provided by your SSO Identity Provider, you can also enter this information manually.
After all required fields have been added, use the [SAVE] action to complete the set up.
Optional SSO Features
- Sign Request:
ValidationIndicatesofthe Berkshire Client Portal should validate the signature ofsignedtheauthenticationSSOrequests.request. If enabled, you must upload a signing certificate from your SSO Identity Provider. - Sign Assertion:
Confirmation ofIndicates therequestingSSO Identity Provider will encrypt the assertion. If enabled, you must ensure you have uploaded the certificate to your SSOuser.Identity Provider. If enabled, you will have to periodically download a new certificate file (approximately annually) from the Berkshire Client Portal and upload to your SSO Identity Provider. - Require Single Sign-On: Enforcement of SSO when accessing the Berkshire Client Portal. If this option is
activate,activated, the ability to use a traditional username/password will be disabled. When disabled, a user can login with either user name and password or via SSO. - User Alternate SSO ID: User email is the default identifier for the
needed,needed (e.g. your SSO Identity Provider does not use email address as the UID), it must be set per individual through the under the Admin section of the top right hand menu.