Approve a Job Seeker for Hire
- Submit a Job Seeker for Hiring Approval
- How to Respond to a Hiring Approval Request
- Approval Request Notifications
- Approve (or Decline Approval for) a Job Seeker
Submit or Approve a Job Seeker for Hiring
Submit a Job Seeker for Hiring Approval
The process for submitting a recommended hire to colleagues is very similar to the submission process for obtaining Requisition Approvals. Appropriately, however, this Approval type will be initiated for the selected Job seeker, from his or her detail, without the support of automation.Select an Existing Approval Process
In many cases, an existing Approval Process from the system's Templates will be available for selection on the Job Seeker's Approvals tab.To use this method, select the radio button in the upper toolbar for: Existing. Then, choose an entry from the adjacent drop-down (which will also include Requisition Approval Processes). In the resulting window, the included Approvers will display in the right-hand column. If the displayed Approval Process is correct (or locked to prevent editing), click the [Save] button.
Cross-reference for Administrators: For information on creating and saving Approval Process Templates, using the Advanced Designer, refer to: Design an Approval Process
Develop a New Approval Process
In the Job Seeker record, the balanceTRAK user with appropriate permissions can develop an Approval Process that will apply individually to the current Job Seeker.First, click the radio button for: New. Then select Approvers, as outlined below.
Add a Group (Optional) and Select the Approver(s)
Using balanceTRAK drag-and-drop method, participants in an Approval Process can be organized, grouped (if necessary), and placed in the appropriate order.Begin by reviewing the Approvers list in the left-hand column. Then:
- Highlight an Approver to display a dashed drop area in the right column. Then drag and drop the user into the dashed area, using the provided name bar.
- To create a Group, comprised of Approvers, click the [Add Group] icon.
A. The Group area will become the drop area for multiple users. Compose the Group.
B. Click the radio button for:
Require 1
Require All - Adjust the order of the name bars and/or Groups, as necessary, also using the drag-and-drop method.
- (Optional, Administrators only) Save the Approval Process to the system on approval submission —
Return to the window header, and click the Save for Later toggle switch. Next, enter a Process Name. The template will be saved to: Settings > Approval Process Templates.
To initiate the Approval Process, select the [Submit for Approval] button, also located at the top of the window.
While the process is ongoing, buttons are available to [Cancel Approval Process] and [Restart Approval Process].
How to Respond to a Hiring Approval Request
Approval Request Notifications
As a participating approver, the user will receive:- An email notification, containing links for the following three approval responses:
- I want to log in and view the job seeker.
- I want to approve this job seeker without logging in.
- I want to decline this job seeker without logging in.
- A notification in the Pending Approvals tile on the approver’s Home page Dashboard will indicate a Job Seeker requires Approval.
Approve (or Decline Approval for) a Job Seeker
- Express Approval — From the email message, select to approve or decline the Job Seeker without logging in.
- Use the Job Seeker detail — From the first provided link in the email message or the Dashboard's Pending Approvals tile, log into balanceTRAK and proceed directly to the Approvals tab. A flow diagram, representing the designated Approval Process, will display at the bottom of the tab, listing each approver and Approval outcome. Input one of the following decisions, and include: (optional) Comments:
- Approve — Sends an email message to the submitter and moves the process on to the next Approver. After final approval, the tab will indicate a date-stamped status line: The Job Seeker has been approved.
- Decline — Sends an email message to the submitter and other Approvers by email.