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BalanceAAP > Reports > Filters


Use Previously Created Sectors or Drilldowns to Filter Report Displays

Filter on Sectors

If you have created Reporting Structure > Sectors, calculations and Reports can be run by Sector. From Reports > Filter, select Sectors.

Check off one or more Sectors, and click [Save]. Proceed to: Reports > Select Reports.

Filter on Drilldowns

If you have created Reporting Levels > Drilldowns, reports can be run, based on the Drilldown values. Select Drilldowns.

Check off one or more Drilldowns, and click [Save]. Proceed to: Reports> Select Reports.

Depending on where this filter is set, the results by Drilldown may be different. For example, if you have a drilldown that is spread across multiple Plan Codes, the drilldown report at the Master Plan will include results across all Plan Codes, whereas in a Sub Plan, the results will include only the records in the drilldown for that Plan Code.