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BalanceWORKS Browser Support Policy


Effective TOPICS

  • AboutJanuary the1, Archiving Process
    • Default Archive Settings
  • Review and Customize Archive Settings
  • Perform Archiving
    • Export an Archive
    • What Information is Saved in the Archive?
    • Delete an Archive

JUMP TO: Browser Support Policy (effective January 1, 2012)

Supported Browsers

Berkshire is committed to developing browser-agnostic Web applications that will work on a variety of browsers and platforms beyond those listed below. The user interface is built, using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and following current standards for each of these languages. Evolving security standards, the ability to stay current with these standards, as well as performance improvements made available in modern browsers, however, require Berkshire to support a limited number of platforms.

AnBerkshire Administratortests mayand access Administrativesupports Settingsevery >major Archiveand Settingsminor to: balanceWORKS release on the following browsers:

  • ManageMicrosoft SystemInternet SettingsExplorer 10 and 11, and newer versions as they become available
  • WorkFirefox with balanceTRAK Archives

About the Archiving Process

To help keep your organization’s data current version and improveimmediately systemprior loadversion times, balanceTRAK employs default settings to archive (and appropriately delete) data at determined intervals:

  1. When a Requisition’s Status is changed to Closed, the system will generate a Close Date, starting the “clock” on the data retention period.
  2. Google TheChrome system willCurrent run an annual archiving scan to collect legacy data. The archived files will be available on the Archives tab for an additional time period. During this time, an existing archive file can be exported for storage outside the system.

Note: If a Job Seeker is associated with both a legacyversion and an open Requisition, that Job Seeker’s information will remain active in balanceTRAK. If you are an Administrator and have questions regarding the archiving process or archived materials, please contact Berkshire’s Product Support.

Default Archive Settings

By default, balanceTRAK will display a Closed Requisition and its associated Job Seeker information for three years, or 36 months, after the Close Date. After an additional three months, or 90 days, the information will be deleted. If your organization is a Federal contractor, BALANCEbTRAK’s default Archive Settings will meet Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs (OFCCP) requirements for recordkeeping.

Review and Customize Archive Settings

To review the default settings or change them, first access the Archive Settings > System Settings tab.

The upper menu contains Automatic Creation and Deletion settings for archiving time intervals:

  • Automatically create archive for data that is older than [Number of] months. (The default is: 36.)
  • Archive data on [month/date] annually. (The default is: January 1.)
  • Keep archives for [number of] days. (The default is: 90.)

Then, specify field to use for data archives:

  • Requisition Closing Date (default)


  • Application Date

Click [Save] if any changes are made.

Perform Archiving

In addition to automatic archiving, the process may be performed at any time: Choose the Archive Settings > Archives tab. (If any Archives have already been established, links for those files will display.)

Proceed to the Options menu. By default, a check box will be ticked to: Automatically remove data from balanceTRAK once the archive file has been created. Uncheck this box, as necessary.

Important Caution: If the box is checked, the archived data cannot be restored to balanceTRAK.

Next, enter a date that is at least one yearimmediately prior to the current date. Then click the [Create Archive] button to initiate the process as a one-off activity. The newly created archive file will be added to the Archives list, labeled by:

  • Archive Created (Date / time)
  • Size
  • Statusversion

These Quickbrowsers Tip: Ifare supported by Berkshire’s Product Support given they meet the recordsfollowing containCookie, JavaScript, and Security requirements:


balanceWORKS uses session cookies, which requires cookies to be enabled in the user’s browser. Third-party cookies are not required and can be disabled, if desired.


JavaScript must be enabled on any browsers that connect to BALANCEworks.

Browser Plugins and Extensions

balanceWORKS does not require any browser extensions or plug-ins for normal use. balanceWORKS applications can optionally display reports in PDF, which may require a significantPDF amountplug-in, depending on your browser.


All Berkshire applications currently support TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. Browsers not supporting these TLS versions will be unable to connect to balanceWORKS. Berkshire does NOT support SSL 2.0 or 3.0.

Note: As of data,June choose6, [Run2016 inBerkshire Background]will sono youlonger cansupport continueTLS working1.0. For inmore otherinformation areas.about browsers that support TLS 1.1 and 1.2, please visit this Website.

ExportUnsupported anBrowsers

Other ArchiveExportbrowsers annot existingsupported archiveby onBerkshire may still work with BALANCEworks if they meet the ArchivesCookie, listJavaScript, byand clickingSecurity requirements above. With these browsers, there may be issues with the Date / time link. Then follow the Windows prompts to open and/or save the Zip file.

What Information is Saved in the Archive?

The archive’s Zip file will contain the following elements:

  • Requisition Information
    • Excel file, containing Requisition Information field entries by Requisition
    • CSV files, containing Requisition, Job Seeker History

Quick Tip: The Requisition's Job Description can be exported prior to archiving by following these instructions: Export a Job Description.

  • Job Seekers Information (by Requisition)
    • Excel file, containing Name, Email, Phone Number, Date Applied, Stage and Status for each Job Seeker
    • PDFs of all completed Forms

Note: Job Seeker information can be correlated by referencing the Job Seeker's sequential identifying number.

Delete an Archive

Click the [Delete] icon to the leftdisplay of the archiveuser entry. interface, or some functionality relying on JavaScript may be limited. Browsers that do not meet the security standards above will not be able to connect to balanceWORKS.

In the event you are having an issue with balanceWORKS in an unsupported browser, you may contact Berkshire’s Product Support to report the issue. If the Product Support team determines the issue is browser related, they will recommend moving to a supported browser.