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BalanceAAP > Data > Data Tables (and Tools)


  • Review Data prior to Import
  • Review and Edit Data in balanceAAP
    • Roster Table
    • Fields to Review

      Assign Supervisors for the Organizational Display

    • Applicant Table
    • Applicant Zip Code

      Reconcile Hired Applicants and New Hires

    • New Hires Table
    • (Optional) Drilldowns
    • (Optional) Promotional and Termination Pools
  • Master Plan Data Table Considerations

JUMP TO: Reference Tables

Working with HR Data in balanceAAP

Review Data prior to Import

Although BALANCEaap will run error validation and a Data > File Consistency check on plan data, best plan results are obtained when HRIS (Human Resources Information System) data are validated prior to upload into the application.

Cross-references: For information on what plan data are needed and how tables should be formatted, see: Understanding BALANCEaap Data Import Requirements.

Once changes are made to data stored in balanceAAP, AAP and HRIS data will no longer match. For instructions on exporting the data after plan completion, see: Export Data.

Review and Edit Data in balanceAAP

Once the Data > Import is complete, the next step is to verify the completeness of the Data > Data Tables and make edits as necessary.

Quick Reminder: For more information on tools for searching and editing tables, see: Table Controls for Editing Data.

Quick Search Tip: Enter a term in the Search field. Then hit ENTER on the keyboard to perform the Search. Use the ESCAPE (ESC) key to clear the Search results.

Roster Table

Because the Roster Data table forms the backbone of the AAP, this table should be thoroughly reviewed. Some fields may require editing if the information is not contained in your HRIS and/or not imported from the Roster file.

Fields to Review

  • Veteran Code/Status — The Veteran Code field is required by the system if you have imported the Veteran Code Reference table. Veteran codes are also necessary for creating the VETS report in balanceAAP. A blank entry should indicate that someone is not a Veteran.
  • Note:Note: As of 2015, the VETS-4212 report will request only protected Veteran status. In the interim period, the system will count status from any provided Veteran codes.

  • Disability Status — Check that a column is present and entries indicating Individuals with Disabilities (IWDs) are up to date. Disability status for an employee may change over time.

  • Annotation Only — This box should be checked if the employee works at another location with less than 50 employees that is being rolled into the current plan. When the Work Location field is populated for applicable employees, click [Annotation Helper] (in the table header) to globally match the location to: Annotation Only.

  • Work Location — A text description (e.g., “Chicago, IL”) placed here is helpful for organizing the internal workforce. Work Location is necessary for using the Annotation Helper (described above).

  • Work and Home Zip Codes — To build Recruitment Areas for calculating External Availability, using Roster Zip codes, make sure each employee record contains this information.

  • Compensation Data — Include data for OFCCP submission, including columns and data entries for: Wage Rate, Typical Hours in Work Week, Other Compensation, and Status.

Click the [Apply] button, and the Roster will be updated, accordingly.

Assign Supervisors for the Organizational Display

The Organizational Display, one of two options for developing an Organizational Profile, outlines supervisor and employee demographics by Department Hierarchy. For the report to display properly, the Roster must include:

  • A check mark for each supervisor the Supervisor column.
  • An entry in the Supervisor Employee ID column that indicates the supervisor for each reporting employee.

Update the Supervisor field in one of the following ways:

  • Click the [Edit] button for an individual record to activate the row. Click the check box, located in the Supervisor column.
  • OR

  • Click on the [Assign Supervisor] button. From the Assign Supervisors menu, choose one of the following:
  • – By EEO Code. The system will update all employees that are assigned to the EEO-1 category, marking them as supervisors.

    – By Supervisor Employee #. If the employee ID of the supervisor for each employee is included in the employee’s record, the system will determine the supervisor.

Click [Assign]. This action will overwrite current Supervisor assignments.

Applicant Table

Because applicants may choose not to self identify, the Applicant table may contain a blank cells for Race Code, Gender Code, IWD status, and/or Veteran status. However, the applicant will be included and counted in Reports for which data are present and excluded where the entry is missing, so check the accuracy of any blank cells.

Applicant Zip Code

If you want to build Recruitment Areas for calculating External Availability using Applicant Zip codes, each applicant record must contain this information.

Reconcile Hired Applicants and New Hires

Both the Applicant and New Hire Data tables will contain information on who was hired at your organization. Therefore, the two tables must be reviewed to ensure accuracy and reconciled, if inconsistencies are found.

Quick Tip: As an indicator of potential inconsistencies, compare the number of applicants hired to the number of new hires.

Use the Applicants to Hires Button
Click the [Apps to Hires] button in the Applicant table header for tools that support these efforts:

  • Export a Workbook to Review Data — Select the Excel File Type, and click the button: [Export Apps to Hires Workbook]. The system will generate an Excel file, showing issues by category for your review.
  • Swap Hires — After carefully reviewing the Applicant Disposition code, click the [Swap Hires] button in the Batch Processing menu to have balanceAAP reconcile the tables. The system will overwrite all applicants with a Disposition code of "hired" and insert information from the New Hire table. Disability and Veteran status will also be transferred.
  • Clean up Requisitions — To remove applicants when no one was hired for a Requisition, as indicated on the Applicant or New Hire table, click the [Clean up Requisitions] button from the Batch Processing toolbar.

New Hires Table

To ensure that the system counts Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities correctly, check that proper data entries are present for Disability Status (true/false) and Veteran Code or Status (true/false). A blank entry should indicate that the employee did not self-identify as belonging to one of these groups.

(Optional) Drilldowns

If Drilldowns have been created to represent Reporting Levels, the Drilldown field must be included in all Data Tables; incomplete entries will be placed in Errors.

(Optional) Promotion and Termination Pools

To run the ADVERSE IMPACT FOR PROMOTION POOLS report (and accompanying DETAIL), Promotion ID must be populated on the Promotion Data Table and the Promotion Pool Data Table must be populated. For competitive promotions where the pool of employees is easily defined, the Promotion ID acts like an internal requisition number. The Promotion ID is populated for the employee selected for promotion in the Promotion Data table. The Promotion Pool Data table houses the corresponding employees that were considered for promotion, and to relate the records, the Promotion ID must be populated for each record. This functionality is generally not used for career progression promotions.

The ADVERSE IMPACT FOR INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION POOLS report (and DETAIL) requires Termination ID and the Termination Pool Data table to be populated. For each termination where a pool is available, the Termination ID must be populated in the Termination Data table. The employees considered for termination should be included in the Termination Pool Data table with the corresponding Termination ID. This report is most often used when the pool of employees for termination is clear, such as with reduction in force events. This functionality is generally not used for voluntary terminations.

This functionality is in place for users who have this information readily available and may be requested when a plan is under audit.

Cross-references: To build the Pool Data tables, refer to:

File Structure Details

BALANCEaap Data Requirements Guide