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Rollup Verification (Master Plan only)


  • View Rollup Hierarchy
  • Resolve Hierarchy Conflicts

Check the Hierarchy of Rollups and Resolve any Conflicts

About Rollup Verification

If Rollups have been created for a Master Plan, the side navigation menu displays a Rollup Verification bar. On entry, the Hierarchy tab is active, with an additional tab for (resolving) Conflicts available in the tab header.

The Hierarchy tab displays the list of established Rollups. Each hierarchy conflict identified for a Rollup will be labeled with an [Alert] icon to its left. If you hover the mouse over the icon, a screen tip will appear that contains more information about the conflict.

Cross-reference: To create, edit, or change the order of Rollups, see: Master Plan Reporting Levels > Rollups.

About Hierarchy Conflicts

When balanceAAP builds the Rollup hierarchy from data, the system will identify any values that roll up incorrectly, such as:

  • A child value that rolls up to two or more parent values
  • A blank parent value (The data records will be included in reporting, but may show up on the incorrect report.)

Example: If two Rollups were created—Division and Country—and Division 1 shows in both Country A and Country B, this will be flagged.

Resolve Hierarchy Conflicts

ClickNavigate onto the Conflicts tab.tab, Each identified conflictwhich will bedisplay listedBlank byParent RollupConflicts Level.and Additionally,[Rollup name] Conflicts in separate tables, with a separatelink sectionin willeach listtable theto numberResolve ofThis “Blank Parent Conflicts”.Conflict.

Use the Blank Parent Conflicts table

Click the Resolve This ConflictLink link. You will be prompted to select one of the assigned parent values for that lower level rollup. All records that have that lower level rollup value will have the selected parent value assigned to the parent rollup field. The Fill in missing values option will be checked by default,link, and will also assign the selected parent value to any records that were currently missing a value for the parent rollup value. If you wish to not update any records that have a blank parent value, you should uncheck this option. Once you have selected a parent value, click Save.

Resolve Blank Parent Conflicts

To resolve all of the items flagged under “Blank Parent Conflicts”, click the Resolve This Conflict link. The system will attempt to findfill a common parent rollup value acrossin the othernecessary lowervalue(s), levelbased rollupson that“like” haverecords. In thatsome same value. If multiple parent values are found, or no other records with a parent value are found,cases, the system willmay indicate the issue cannot be resolved automatically. However, the issue may be correctable once other conflicts are addressed (as described below). If an issue persists:
  • Return to Reporting Levels / Rollups to check that list
  • Review the affected Data Tables

Use the [Rollup name] Conflicts table to Edit the Parent Value (and Fill in Missing Values)

Click Resolve This Conflict to open a menu. Select a (new) Parent Value from the provided drop-down. The checkbox for Fill in missing values is checked by default. You may uncheck this option if it is not beapplicable. ableClick [Save] to resolveapply the conflict and display a message indicating as such.changes.