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Tools for Multiple EEO-1 Reports

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Please read the linked EEO-1 instructions above to familiarize yourself with EEO-1 tools. Then review the following notes, regarding creating multiple EEO-1 reports from a Master Plan.


  • Create Plan and Import Roster Data for the EEO-1 Report
  • Link Plan Location and EEO-1 Establishment Information
  • Add Establishment Information
  • Import Establishment Information
  • Finalize and Export Multiple EEO-1 Reports

Please read the linked EEO-1 instructions above to familiarize yourself with EEO-1 tools. Then review the following notes, regarding creating multiple EEO-1 reports from a Master Plan.

Master Plan EEO-1 Considerations and Settings

Create Plan and Import Roster Data for the EEO-1 Report

If all of the following apply, follow the instructions below:

  • Your organization's AAP effective date is not during the required EEO-1 reporting period
  • The organization is comprised of multiple locations
  • All EEO-1 reports can be created from a master data set

First, create a Master Plan, following the instructions to: Create Plan. Then Import a master data set. Include a Plan Code or a User Field in the data set to be used as the Establishment Code, which will parse data for each EEO-1 report.

Proceed to the EEO-1 module.

Link Plan Location and EEO-1 Establishment Information

If multiple establishments are to be represented in the EEO-1 report, navigate to the provided Establishment Information drop-down, which by default is displayed as: None. Instead, choose the field from the Data Tables that contains this information (e.g., Plan Code, User Field).

Navigate to the drop-down at the top of the Establishment Information menu. Make a selection from those provided to match the Data-table field (e.g., Plan Code, Drilldown [name], User Field [name]).

Important Caution:: Changing the selection to or from None will cause any current Establishment Information record(s) to be deleted.

Cross-reference: For more information on creating custom fields, see: User Fields.

Add Establishment Information

To use the data entry method, select [Add Establishment] from the middle toolbar. A window will display, allowing data to be entered. Click [Save] to store the information.

Import Establishment Information

Click [Import Establishments]. Choose the appropriate file type (Excel, Access or a text) from the. Click [Browse], locate the file on your computer, and click [Next].

Excel users — Check or uncheck the box for: Yes, the first row is column headers. Select the file and sheet name information from the drop-down.

Under Match Fields, select the field names from the drop-downs that best match the system's fields.

Notes: Some fields may be automatically matched. Fields marked with an * are required.

Navigate to the bottom of the page to see the Preview of Data. If satisfactory, click [Next]. Then choose whether to Overwrite (replace existing data) or Append (add to existing data).

Click [Import Data] to initiate the process. The import results will be displayed when the process is complete. The successfully imported records will display in the Establishment Information table (e.g., Plan Code, location information).

Export and Finalize Multiple EEO-1 Reports