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Admin > Manage Security

LoremThe ipsumBerkshire dolorClient sitPortal amet,has consecteturbeen adipiscingenhanced elit,to sednow doinclude eiusmodMulti-factor temporAuthentication incididunt(MFA) utand laboreSingle etSign doloreOn. magnaWith aliqua.the Utappropriate enimsystem adprofile, minimthese veniam,features quiscan nostrudbe exercitationactivated ullamcoin laboristhe nisiManage utSecurity aliquippage. exThe eanew commodopage consequat. can be accessed through the Admin drop-down menu which is located in the top right of all BCP page.

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires multiple verification factors to gain access. Activation of this option, for your account, is available through the Manage Security page.

To activate this feature, select the Require MFA for all users checkbox and then click the [Save] action on the right. All users, at their next log in, will then be instructed to scan to the displayed QR code using Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy or other similar applications.

Once the code is scanned the application will create a six digit code that will be used every time you login to the Berkshire Client Portal.

Single Sign On