BalanceAAP > File Structure Details / Data Tables / Pools
RETURN TO: File Structure Details / Data Tables
- Promotion Pool
- Termination Pool
balanceAAP Help Cross-reference: The tables below support coding employees for Adverse Impact reporting.reporting for promotions and terminsations. To learn about the calculation, see: Adverse Impact.
Promotion Pool
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Required | Master Plan Required |
Employee # | Text | 11 | Yes | Yes |
First Name | Text | 50 | No | No |
Last Name | Text | 50 | No | No |
Race | Text | 20 | Yes | Yes |
Gender | Text | 20 | Yes | Yes |
Old Job Code | Text | 20 | Yes | Yes |
New Job Code | Text | 20 | Yes | Yes |
Old Dep(ar)t(ment) Code | Text | 20 | No | No |
New Dept Code | Text | 20 | No | No |
Plan Code | Text | 50 | No | Yes |
Prom(otion) ID | Text | 20 | Yes | No |
User Field | Text | 255 | No | No |
Drilldown Field | Text | 255 | Yes* | Yes* |
Rollup Field | Text | 255 | No | No |
Termination Pool
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Required | Master Plan Required |
Employee # | Text | 11 | Yes | Yes |
First Name | Text | 50 | No | No |
Last Name | Text | 50 | No | No |
Race | Text | 20 | Yes | Yes |
Gender | Text | 20 | Yes | Yes |
Job Code | Text | 20 | Yes | Yes |
Dep(ar)t(ment) Code |
Text | 20 | No | No |
Plan Code (Master Plan) | Text | 50 | No | Yes |
Term(ination) ID | Text | 20 | Yes | No |
User Field | Text | 255 | No | No |
Drilldown Field | Text | 255 | Yes* | Yes* |
Rollup Field | Text | 255 | No | No |
Drilldown Fields: As marked above with an (*) asterisk, Drilldown fields are required by the system ONLY if you include a Drilldown Reference table.