Note the following considerations,considerations related tofor creating a Masterset Plan/sub-planof set:multiple plans:
Add Plan Codes
When you click
[Create Plan], for a Master Plan, balanceAAP will
directdisplay youtools to
BALANCbuild: Eaap's Plan Codes, module.which will identify each sub plan. Follow these instructions:
Plan Codes.
Once thesethe identifying codes are entered, the system will create the sub plans, adding them to the Plans > Recent Plans list. Using that list, you can then enter each sub plan to review (and edit, as appropriate): Plan Information.
Turn on and Apply Audit Status
During Master Plan creation,
check the box for Audit Status. Then, open the audit sub plan and navigate to:
Plan > Plan Information.
Check the box, as appropriate, next to: Is this plan under audit?.