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Internal (Availability Factor 2)

Feeder Jobs

Internal availability is calculated from the pool of employees already in the organization that can promote into another job group. To calculate internal availability, you need to identify the feeder jobs for each job group. A feeder job is a staffed job that provides a normal promotion path into another job group.

On the Internal Availability screen, select a job group from the Job Group drop-down list. We will refer to the selected group as your target job group. If there are any feeders already assigned to this group, they will be listed on the page.

To add feeders to the target job group, click Add Feeders.Feeders. The Add Feeder page will appear.

From the new page, select the group (which we will refer to as the source job group) that contains jobs that feed the target job group. The staffed jobs within this source job group will appear on the page. Select the individual jobs that feed the target group by checking the boxes and then click Add Feeders.Feeders. The selected jobs will be assigned as feeders to the target job group. You may select feeders from different source job groups for a particular target job group. For example, target job group 1B may have feeders from source job group 2A and 3A.

Repeat these steps for each job group, assigning the jobs that feed the target job group.

Note:Note: Some job groups, particularly entry level groups, will not have jobs that feed them. Therefore, it is common to have some job groups with no assigned feeders.


Cascade to Sub plans

Most settings in this section can be carried down to the sub plans by selecting the Cascade to Sub Plans option.


Allow Feeders to be Selected from Other Plans

If your company has multiple locations, and jobs from one location that would be considered feeders for another location, select this option. When you click Add to add feeders to the target job group, additional drop down lists for Company, Establishment, and Plan will appear on the Add Feeder page. These drop down lists will default to the current plan.

To assign a feeder from a different plan, select the appropriate Company, Establishment, and Plan.Plan. When you then select the source job group, the staffed jobs in the newly selected plan will appear.

Allow Weights to be Assigned to Feeders

By default, employees in any job assigned as a feeder count equally towards the internal availability calculation. Because the jobs are feeders to the entire job group, this is usually an accurate way to perform the calculation.

However, you may have certain jobs that are far more likely to promote into the target group. In this case, you may want to assign that job a greater weight in the availability calculation. Select this option to turn this functionality on.

The feeders will now be listed with an additional weight field for each. When first applied, all feeders will be assigned a uniform weight. To add more weight to a feeder job, update the weight field to the desired value. Because the weights must always add up to 100percent,100 percent, you will need to adjust one or more other jobs to bring the total back down to 100.

After adjusting weights to their desired level, and ensuring the total equals 100, click Save Weights to save your changes.

Clicking Distribute Weights will distribute the weight evenly across all the feeders.

Allow Feeders to Feed Their Own Job Group

By definition, feeders should represent potential movement which results in a new opportunity in the resulting job group. To this end, balanceAAP does not allow jobs to feed their own job group by default. If you wish to allow such feeders, you must select this option.

Assigning Feeders by Job Group

balanceAAP is set by default to allow you to assign feeders by individual job codes. But for some organizations, feeders to a job group will always consist of every job in another job group. To simplify assigning feeders in this case, choose the option to assign feeders by job group.

When applied, you will no longer see a list of job codes when assigning feeders in the Add Feeders page. Instead, you will see a list of job groups. Simply select the job groups that feed the target job group and click Add. All jobs within the feeder group will count equally towards the availability calculation of the target group.

Cascade to Sub plans

Most settings in this section can be carried down to the sub plans by selecting the Cascade to Sub Plans option.