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Protected Classes


KEY the Protected Classes section, you will need to: TOPICS:

  • Select theReporting reporting groups to be included in your reports.
  • Required StepsOptional StepsMaster Plan SettingsGroups

Verify Total Minorities and Female Groups Are Selected

The groups checked off in this section will be analyzed and appear on your reports. Federal regulations require contractors to report on, at a minimum, Total Minorities and Females. balanceAAP will have these groups selected by default.

The Total Minorities group will consist of every race in your Race Code Table that has been designated as Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, American Indian, or Other Minority, regardless of gender.

The Female group will consist of the gender in your Gender Code Table that has been designated as Female, regardless of race.

Ensure both Total Minorities and Females are checked off, and click Save at the bottom.


Select Any Individual Group You Want to Also Appear on Reports

Due to company policy, state regulations, or other motivations, you may also need to analyze and report on individual race groups. To include the individual races on your reports, check them off and click Save at the bottom.

As a reminder, only reporting Total Minorities and Females is required by the OFCCP for your affirmative action plans.


Cascade to Sub plans

Check off the option and click Save to carry down the selected reporting groups to the sub plans.