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BalanceTRAK > Settings > Email Templates


KEY and CreateTOPICS:

  • About Email Templates and Variable Content
  • Default Email Templates for Job Seekers
  • Default Email Template for Collaborating with Colleagues
  • Choose a Default Template for Editing
  • Add an Email Template
  • Enter Merge Text into a Template
  • Manage an Email Template's Settings
  • Edit an Email Template's Message SECTION ACTIVITY

Manage and Create Email Templates to Support balanceTRAK User Collaboration

UsingBy accessing Administrative Settings > Email Template settings,Templates, the administratorAdministrator may edit the system's default Email Templates and create custom templates for transmittal by balanceTRAK users when they communicatecommunicating with Job Seekers or hiringcolleagues. decision-makers.The Both [Add] and [Remove] buttons are available in the header toolbar for usedisplay with custom Email Templates, while a [Rename] button is available for all Email Templates.

Note: Default Email Templates may not be removed.

Tags, or predefined text, can be inserted into Email Templates, either in the Subject Line or Body Text, as placeholders for variable text that will be automatically merged into the message when it is sent.

Once any changes are made to the template or its settings, click [Save] to make it available for use.use when users create new email messages.

Note: Default Email Templates may not be removed.

About Email Templates and Variable Content

Tags, or merge text, can be inserted into Email Templates as placeholders for variable text that will be automatically be "merged" into the message when it is sent. Typically, the tags are used for elements like Job Seeker Name,


Default Email Templates for Job Seekers

The following default emailEmail templatesTemplates send links to formsForms for completion by the Job Seeker:

  • Send Application Form
  • Send Background Check Form
  • Send Self-ID Form

The following default emailEmail templateTemplate acknowledges completionreceipt of the Application by a Job Seeker:Seeker's completed APPLICATION:

  • Send Auto-Acknowledgement
  • About Default Email Templates for Application Reviews


Default Email Template for Collaborating with Colleagues

Th following default emailEmail templateTemplate allows balanceTRAK users and external usersaddressees to review the Job Seeker’s Application:APPLICATION:

  • Forward Job Seeker's Application to Others

Choose a Default Template for Editing

Select To edd an existing Template, first select an Email Template from the Template drop-down, a menu located in the header toolbar.toolbar.

Add an Email Template

Create additional templates by choosing the [Add] button from the header toolbar.toolbar. Enter a Template Name, and click [Save]. The Email Template will display, and its name will show in the Template drop-down at the top of the page.

Manage an Email Template's Settings

Once a Template is selected from or added to the upper drop-down, choose to have balanceTRAK use the template when automatically sending emails; or leave the box unchecked.*

  • Note: By selecting the automated option, some merge fields, Your Name, Your Email Address, Your Phone Number, and Link to Form will not be available. If the check box is left unchecked, the template can still be used via the [Send Bulk Email] button available in Job Seekers and Requisitions, which puts you in control of when an email, based on a template, is sent.

Next, use the Email Template Recipient options to identify the audience, either Job Seekers or Other balanceTRAK users.

Edit an Email Template's Message

Enter the appropriate title infor thethe: Subject Line box,Line; and compose the corresponding message in the provided text editor.editor.

(Optional) Change the appearance of the text (e.g., color, font, alignment, size, format, bulleting, numbering), using the text editor bar.toolbar. To paste already formatted text from a Microsoft Word document, useselect the Paste[Paste from WordWord] button.

(Optional) Add links to additional documents posted on the Web by using the Insert [Insert Edit URL/LinkURL/Link] button. These links can later be removed by using the Remove[Remove LinkLink] button, while the text is highlighted in the text editor.

Enter PredefinedMerge Text into an Email Template

When merge-field tags, or placeholders, are entered into the template, the system will merge the corresponding data (e.g., Job Seeker’s First Name, Requisition Number) into the email message when it is sent.

To take advantage of this template feature, click on [Insert Predefined Text], a button located below the text editor. From the Insert Predefined Text menu, use the radio buttons to select either Body Text or Subject Line. From the provided drop-down menu, select the appropriate tag to include. Click [Insert] to apply the action.

Example: To send an email thanking Job Seekers who applied for an Account Executive position, click the Insert Predefined Text button, which is located below the text editor. Next, use the radio buttons to select Subject Line, and select the tag Job Title from the drop-down. With these settings, this Job Seeker would receive an email that reads, “Thank you for applying for the Account Executive position…”.

About the Link to Form Field

The Link to Form field is a special tag, used in several default Email Templates that have Job Seeker audiences. This field places a link in the email body to an uncompleted Application or other form. This tag only functions when the email is sent from the Review Job Seeker detail. Otherwise, this tag will not be merged when the email is sent.