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Sectors (Optional)


Create Sectors to Organize Reporting


About Tip: Use thisSectors

This function can be used to evaluatecreate specificanother divisionslevel withinof anReporting organizationStructure (e.g.,above a Drilldown. Examples: the system’s default Department Drilldown can be organized by function, such as Sales, IT, Manufacturing)Engineering, soand thatManufacturing. thisOr informationa Grade Drilldown can be sharedorganized withinto thea correspondinghierarchy divisionof managers.pay ranges.

SectorsIf cana Sector was not defined as part of a Drilldown, the Sector units created here will be createdlimited byto the Department by default. If you have specified additional Drilldown fields and have specified a “Sector Name”, you can select one of these names by which to review and create Sectors. See the Plan\Reporting Levels documentation for more information on creating Drilldowns.field.


Add theand desiredDefine a Sector Name has been selected, click

Click [Add New], andto enter in a description of the Sector inopen the Create Sector menu.menu, and enter a Sector name. Click [Save] to returnadd the Sector to the Departments list. Sectors that have been added will appear in the Sectorupper drop-down list at the top.menu. The newadded Sector will be selected automatically.active.

To add Departments or other Drilldown values to the newly created Sector, checkCheck the box next to each Department or other value to be included. When checked, the Department or value is saved to the current Sector. Use the All, None, All On This Page, None On This Page links to select multiple values simultaneously.at the same time. A message will indicate the value was added to the Sector.

View Sector Worksheet

Select [View Report] from the upper button bar to open a SECTOR WORKSHEET, which displays the Sector selections in an easy-to-view format.

Run Sector-based Reports

To run reports based on Sectors, see Reports>Filter.

Searching for Values

To find a particular value on the screen, enter part or all of the code or name into the search box and click the magnifying glass to search. All values that match the search criteria will appear on the screen. To clear the search click the remove icon.

Copy Sector

If you want to create a sector that is similar to the current sector, start by clicking Copy, and enter the name of the new sector when prompted. This will create a new sector using the specified name and include all the values for the currently selected sector. The new sector will automatically be selected in the Select Sector drop-down list. You can then add or remove values as necessary.

Change Name

To rename a sector, select the sector from the Select Sector drop-down list and click Change Name. Enter the new sector name, and click Save.

Delete Sector

To delete a sector, select the sector from the Select Sector drop-down list and click Delete. A confirmation window will appear. To complete the deletion, click Yes.

Import Sectors

You can import sectors from either another plan or from an external file such as Excel, Access or a text file.

Click Import, then select to import sectors either From an Existing Plan or From an External File and click Next.

When importing from an Existing Plan, you will need to choose the Company, Establishment, and Plan from the drop-down list. Then, choose either to Append or Overwrite the data. Choosing Append will add the imported sectors to those already created in the current plan. Choosing Overwrite will replace the current plan’s sectors with those being imported.

A list of the sectors to be imported from the selected plan will be displayed in the Plan Sectors section of the page.

Click Import to perform the import.

When importing from an External File, you will need to select the Sector Names to be imported from your external file. Each Sector Name will require a separate table/spreadsheet/text file in order to import multiple types of sectors at one time. Once you have selected the Sector Names to be imported, click Next.

Sector name, and corresponding field (e.g. Department, Job Code, Location, etc.) that constitutes each sector.

If any of the values in the field mapped to Sector do not exist, balanceAAP can optionally create these sectors for you or ignore them. To have balanceAAP create these sectors for you, select the Create missing Sectors option. To have BALANCEaap ignore these sectors, choose the Don’t import missing Sectors option. Choose the Go Back option if you would like to check the mapping of the file or fields used for that sector.

Finally, choose to Overwrite or Append these values as described above, and then click Import Sectors. The results for the number of records imported or dropped from the system will be displayed.