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BalanceTRAK > Settings > Scoring Schemes



  • Add Scoring Scheme
  • Question and Answer Point Values
  • Edit Existing Scoring Scheme for a form template
  • Add Scoring Scheme to a Form on the Requisition Screen
  • Review Job Seekers by Scores

Manage Scoring Schemes for Form Templates

(Optional) After a PRESCREENER or APPLICATION Form Template has been added to the system and Questions/answersQuestions have been created (as described in the instructions linked above),above) — the Administrator may develop the template's Scoring Scheme.Scheme, using Administrative Settings > Form Templates. Based on this Scoring Scheme, each Job Seeker who completes the form will receive a Score. This Score can then be compared to the Scores of other applicants for the job opening.

The total Score for each applicant will be calculated as a percentage, by dividing the total points earned by the total possible points. Scores will display on the following pages:

  • Home Dashboard
  • Job Seekers
  • Review Job Seeker detail

Add a Scoring Scheme

From the Form Template list, click the [Add scoring scheme] icon next to a Form Template Name. On the Manage Scoring Scheme page, click the [Add] button, and enter a: Name. Then click [Save].

Next, proceed to develop the Scoring Scheme, as described below.

Question and Answer Point Values

On an applicant form, the values for both the question and completed answers can be scored, using any scale to reflect the importance of a question relative to other scored questions. Similarly, the individual point values for each answer to the scored question should reflect which answers are most desired.

Example: The question “How many years of experience do you have?” has the following possible answers:

  • No experience
  • 0-3 years
  • 3-5 years
  • 5-10 years
  • Over 10 years

The question point can be given a value of 50, then a sliding scale of points can be assigned to answers that reflect the best qualifications for an open position. If the most desirable response is “over 10 years”, this answer could also score a point value of 50. Next,“5-10 years” can be assigned a point value of 40, and so on.

On the Edit Scoring Scheme page, only the first section of Questions will be expanded. The answer choices you entered when creating the Question will be displayed. Begin by entering the total point value for each Question/answer combination, by clicking on the box next to the answer. When you click the point value box for the question, it will expand to display the answers that have been added. Then proceed to entering the point value for the Question's possible answers.

As you add a value to each Question within a Section, the total will be appear in the right-hand corner of the Section header.

Note: The point value of an answer choice should not exceed the point value of the question. Answer boxes with a value exceeding the overall points assigned to the Question will be highlighted in red.

Quick Tip: If there are no answers listed, you can add answers by clicking the [Add Answer] button.

View Additional Questions

Click on the Section header, (e.g., Employment, Education) to display all Questions to be scored for that Section.

Once you finish adding points to your questions and answers for the scoring scheme, when you click back to the Edit Scoring Scheme screen, your scoring scheme will be assigned to this form template. When you add a scoring scheme to a form template, any time you add this form template to a new requisition, you will have the ability to apply this scoring scheme to that requisition. Additionally, you can add multiple scoring schemes to the same form template, so that when you add the form to a new requisition you can choose which scoring scheme you want to use for that particular requisition. For example, if you have multiple requisitions that use the same application form, but the job requirements for these requisitions are very different, you can create multiple scoring schemes for the same form and each scoring scheme can be assigned to the specific requisition based on the relative requirements.

To add additional scoring schemes to the same form template, simply click the Add button again on the Edit Scoring Scheme window. Once your scoring schemes are added, you will be able to select which scoring scheme you want to use when you add a form to a requisition.

Edit Existing Scoring Schemes

To edit an existing scoring scheme for a form template, you will need to click on Form Templates from the Administrative Settings menu and find the application or prescreener form template that has the scoring scheme you want to edit. Click on the edit scoring scheme icon. Find the scoring scheme that you want to edit and click on the edit icon next to it. The Edit Scoring Scheme page will appear allowing you to make your changes. The changes made here will only affect new requisitions using this form template and scoring scheme going forward.

Add a Scoring Scheme to a Form on the Requisition Screen

You can also add a scoring scheme specific only to a particular requisition. If you want to add a scoring scheme to a requisition that will only be used for this particular requisition, you can add it through the Review Requisition page. From the Review Requisition page, you must first add your form. Once you add a form, the add scoring scheme icon will show next to the form name on the Review Requisition page. Click on this icon and follow the same steps above for adding a scoring scheme.

Once the scoring scheme is added, you can also edit the scoring scheme. When you are on the Review Requisition page and your form has been added and the scoring scheme selected, you can edit the scoring scheme for just this requisition by clicking on the edit scoring scheme icon next to the form. The Edit Scoring Scheme page will appear allowing you to make changes to the scoring scheme. These changes will only affect this requisition.

Review Job Seekers by Scores

Once a requisition is opened and you are accepting applications, as your job seekers complete the forms you added to the requisition (along with the scoring scheme), you will be able to view the job seeker scores on the Home Page, the Manage Job Seekers page and the Review Job Seekerpage. From the Home Page under Job Seekers, you will see the applicant’s score next to their name.

On the Manage Job Seekers page, select the requisition for which you added a form that has a scoring scheme added and has accepted applications. Click on the “Show the Scores for” drop-down menu and select the form. The Job Seeker list will display a Score column and list the score for each job seeker. This enables you to compare all job seekers for the requisition by their score. To review the scores for a job seeker for a particular requisition, first select the job seeker from the Job Seeker list and click on the Edit icon. On the Review Job Seeker page, under the “Jobs Applied To” section, click on the next to requisition. This will display all the forms added to this requisition. For those forms for which a scoring scheme was added, the job seeker’s score be displayed if the form was completed by the job seeker. This information is also found on the Job Seeker by Requisition report.