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BalanceAAP > System Tools > Recruitment Areas


Manage Recruitment Area

Areas you have created will appear on the main Manage REcruitmentRecruitment Areas page, available from the System Tools menu. A green checkmark will appear next to any RRA currently in use by a plan in your company.

Click on any area, and its details will appear on the right. You can edit the RRA’s name by clicking Edit,Edit, typing in the new name and clicking Save.Save.

The geographic regions that make up the RRA cannot be changed. However, you can delete any RRA and create as many as you need. To delete an area, select the area then click Delete.Delete. If the area is in use by any plan in your company, you will be warned and prompted to select a replacement area. Any job group in any plan using the RRA being deleted will have the selected recruitment area applied in its place. This will affect all availability, goals, and other reports in the affected plans. Do not perform this function without being sure of its consequences.

If you have a large number of recruitment areas created, they will be displayed in pages. Use the page controls below the list of areas to browse your created areas, or use the search function to find a specific area. The search function will search only on the name of your area.