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BalanceAAP > Data > Advanced > User-Defined Personnel Actions


  • About User-defined Personnel Actions
    • Necessary Steps to put the Action in Place
  • Create a Custom UPA
  • Activate a Standard or Custom UPA
    • Deactivate the UPA
  • About Importing Associated Data
  • Delete an Existing UPA
  • Master Plan UPAs

Define Unique Personnel Action Tables

About User-defined Personnel Actions

User-Defined Personnel Actions (UPAs) canare betypically defineddeveloped (and activated) asby the basisadvanced foruser runningto run ADVERSE IMPACT reporting on atypical events, such as employee demotion, training, or reinstatement.

For another example, a custom "Historical Promotions" table can be imported to support the Internal Availability calculation. By supplementing the current plan's Promotion data with these cumulative data, a more comprehensive snapshot of your company's advancement pathways will be scanned when the system reads Feeders. Finally, a table that aggregates Promotion or Termination selections with corresponding pool data can be developed.

Some standard UPAs will come preloaded in the system.system, Whenbut custom actions can be created.

Necessary Steps to put the Action in place,Place

The following steps are necessary to put a standard or custom UPA in place:

  1. The UPA is present in the system, at: Data > Advanced.
  2. The plan's Data table is populated via: Data > Import.
  3. AND

  4. For the AAP, the personnel action must be: In Use (as described below).

Then, the UPA will be represented by a unique Data table.table, stored at: Data > Data Tables.

When the UPA is activated, you can proceed to the appropriate software module to complete the calculation or analysis process –

  • For ADVERSE IMPACT reporting, go to: Reports > AAP Reports / Adverse Impact Report Group
  • OR

  • For historical promotion data, navigate to: Availability > Internal / [Feeder Options].

Create a Custom UPA

Access Data > Advanced. Then choose User Defined Personnel Actions from the Data home page.

Click [Add] from the upper toolbar, and a pop-up window will appear with the following options:

  • Personnel Action Name – Enter the name of the action, taking into consideration how the resulting label will appear on menus and resulting Reports.
  • Number of Positions Involved – Select 1 OR 2, as appropriate.
  • Action Type – Select Positive (e.g., reinstatement after lay off) OR Negative (e.g., demotion), so that Adverse Impact can be accurately calculated.
  • Choose the Adverse Impact Pool source for this action:
    • Use the Plan History Source (Default)
    • OR
    • Include Pool and Selections in the Action
    • Most users will retain the default selection.

Click [Save] to add the action to the UPA list.

Activate a Standard or Custom UPA

Important Note: For best system operation, activate the UPA prior to Data > Import.

While the UPA list makesshows what actions are available for all plans created under your organization's account, the UPA must be activated.activated for use in calculations or reporting.

To activate the UPA for a plan, locate the In Use column for an existing action. Then, click the No entry, changing it to Yes.

Deactivate the UPA

Change the In Use entry from Yes to No, which will:

  • Deactivate the UPA for the current plan
  • Delete associated data from the current plan
  • Retain the UPA for use in other plans

About Importing Associated Data

A Data table bar for the UPA will appear in the Table menu for selection during Data > Import. Once imported, the table will appear in any balanceAAP menus where Data Tables can be selected.

Delete an Existing UPA

Select the UPA, and click [Delete]. The UPA will be deletedremoved for all plans under the organization's account, and the associated data will also be deleted.

Important Caution: Use the deactivation and deletion tools carefully.

Master Plan UPAs

The Master Plan controls the UPAs for all sub plans.