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Schedule the Job Seeker Interview


  • Schedule an Interview on the Calendar
  • Manage Interview Forms
    • Edit an Existing HR Form (Interview Form Template only)
    • Upload an HR Form

Support the Job Seeker Interview, with a Calendar event (and Interview Form)

The Job Seeker detail > Interview tab is divided into two sub-tabs that support the Interview process:

  1. The Calendar sub-tab facilitates Interview scheduling and the selection of attendees and Job Seeker-related materials (e.g., RESUME, INTERVIEW Form).
  2. The Forms sub-tab stores the blank and completed INTERVIEW Forms.

Begin by visiting the Calendar sub-tab.

Schedule an Interview on the Calendar

Follow these steps to add an Interview to the Calendar:

  1. Using the Calendar's header buttons, select to view by: list, day, week (default), OR month.
  2. On the Calendar, click the desired date to highlight it.
  3. Choose the [Add Interview] button from the header toolbar to expand the Attendees menu, which will display to the left of the Calendar. (The Start Date field will be pre-populated with the previously highlighted date.)
  4. Search for Attendees, and add each one, as needed. (The included Attendees will display by name, and an Attendee can be deleted, if added by mistake.)
  5. Enter an Interview time, using the two provided drop-downs.
  6. Repeat the selection process for End Date. (The End Date will be pre-populated with the Start Date.)
  7. (Optional) Enter a Description and Location in the provided text fields.
  8. Check off how to Notify Job Seeker, by: Email AND/OR Text.
  9. Check off the attachments to include, when sending the Interview notification to colleagues: RESUME, COVER LETTER, and/or HR FORM (e.g., Blank INTERVIEW Form).

Finally, choose the [Save] button to add the Interview to the Calendar and initiate the notification process, or click [Cancel] to close the menu without creating the Interview.

Manage Interview Forms

TheOptions for the Forms sub-tab display will be dependentbased on choosingInterview an existing Interview,events, as schedulescheduled previously on the Calendar sub-tab.

View the Associated Form(s)

Once thean Interview is added to Calendar (andand a Form Template as been chosen),chosen, proceed to the Interview sub-tab. Make entries in the upper drop-downs:drop-downs to show the proper Interview-related Form:

  • Select Interview
  • Select Attendee